Tuesday 24 April 2012

Are the celebrities always effective?

The use of advertising has changed over the past 100 years, from the classic to the modern school.The modern advertising strategies various appeals are included, such as sexual, chock, emotional, fear, and humor. The main purpose of these appeals is to deliver the information that the company seeks to send to gain high brand awareness and brand recognition among a large audience. However, when using any of these appeals there is always a person included, sometimes someone unknown or in most cases a well known person in the public eye. According to McCracken (1989), well-known person tends to have a greater effect on consumer buying behavior.  He also says that when it comes to transferring meanings to brands celebrity endorser are effective. Are they always effective?

Tiger Woods

When a celebrity gets associated with negative information (e.g Kate Moss, Tiger Woods) seems to have the tendency to damage the company's image. This is mainly due to the fact that high credibility as well as negativity effect has a tendency to be more reflected upon positive information in the consumer's evaluation.Till and Shimp (1998) explain that companies have to be aware of the possibility of attaining negative publicity when using celebrities as endorsers, since this may affect the consumers' perception of the brand. Negative information about a celebrity can harm how consumers perceive the product/brand through the connected link between the brand and celebrity Till and Shimp (1998).
 Sometimes the selection of a celebrity endorser can be very complex!!!

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